‘The relationship of ceramics with landscape is not only interpretive but also one of materiality as ceramics, formed by firing to high temperatures, broadly simulates volcanic activity which in turn produces igneous rock.’ Suvira McDonald

Suvira’s striking sculptural forms derive from his study of the traditional Asian art of Scholars' Rocks. The stones, which often resemble mountains, are displayed and appreciated as stone samples and mounted on ornately carved rosewood bases.  Evidence suggests the Art of ‘Gongshi’ originated in the Yellow Mountains which have deep spiritual significance in China. Chinese scholars often called these rare examples Spirit Stones and placed them in their studies for contemplation. Suvira’s slab construction method produces the facetted stylisation of the forms, which have recently evolved to multiple elements in order to translate the various gorge landscapes travelled. Other sculptures emulate architectonic hybrids of nature and human design.
